Tin Duck Trophies Gallery

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This is a gallery of photos of past Tin Duck Trophies, for history's sake and to give ideas to the creators of future trophies.


The physical award was made of aluminium and balsa. It was known as a shurekin duck, and was made by John Parker.


The physical award was made of wire and wood. It was made by John Parker.


The physical award was made out of tin plate. It was designed by Jade Todd and constructed by Fe Waters.


The Tin Duck awards themselves incorporated origami dragons by Tin Duck nominated artist Tom Edge and were administered by Jeremy Byrne.[1]


The physical award was a mesh canister, filled with duck feathers. It was created by (do you know?).


The physical award was made of a clock and a rubber duck. It was designed and constructed by Lily Chrywenstrom.


The physical award was made of engraved perspex supported by two metal sphere. The engraving contained an illustration of an astronaut duck drawn by Kaneda Cruz.


The physical award was made of engraved perspex supported by two metal sphere. The engraving contained an illustration of an astronaut duck drawn by Kaneda Cruz.


Creator unknown (do you know?)

File:Tin duck 2008.jpg


The physical award was made of engraved glass bearing the WASFF and Swancon 2009 logos and an illustration of an astronaut duck orbiting the Earth by Andy Phillips.

File:Tin duck 2009.jpg


Created by the ConCom (Todd Rowlands, John Green, Jay Watson, Linda Sengsourinho).

File:Tin duck 2010.jpg


Creator unknown. Appearance Unknown. If you have a photo of it, or know who created it; that would be great.


Created by Kitty Byrne.

File:Tin duck 2012.jpg


Created by John Parker.

File:Tin duck 2013.jpg


Created by John Parker

File:Tin duck 2014.jpg


Created by John Parker

File:Tin duck 2015.jpg


Off-the-shelf, generic commercial trophy. If anyone has a photo of it that would be appreciated.


Created by Frames White, with assistance from Doug Burbidge. Based on Swancon Logo by Amanda Rainey.

If anyone has a photo of it that would be appreciated.


Created by Frames White, with assistance from Doug Burbidge and John Parker. Based on Swancon Logo by Amanda Rainey.

File:Tin duck 2018.jpg

See also