Swancon Email

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Access to emails

Our email system is Microsoft Office 365,

It is very desirable that people use a Swancon mailbox for Swancon correspondence with 3 rd parties, this mainly affects core committee or people associated with a <task>@swancon.com.au email address.

Please don't delete emails (other than spam or bulk) -- move them into the sub-folder called archive or use the archive button. This means future committees can look back and copy work or have historical references to information.

Emails can be accessed via:

Newsletters/Bulk Emails

Are sent using MailChimp, please see the accounts page for access.

Passwords and memberships

The Convenor can login here [1] to do the following only (unless very experienced with Office365):

  • Reset users passwords
  • Create Contacts
  • Add/Remove users to/from groups "SwanconXX 20YY Committee Mailing List"

Send From (deprecated)

For anyone wishing to send emails from a committee address, eg position-20xx@swancon.com.au the instructions for gmail are at as follows and should take 5-10 minutes.

If you follow these instructions you will be able to email from a Google Email App Android/IOS(Gmail or Inbox) or from the [www.gmail.com] website. The new email appears as an option in the "from:" dropdown near the to and subject fields in these apps/webpages.

When doing so please CC the address you are sending from (eg to: John from: position-20 cc: position-20) so other people that have receive that email from John know it has been replied to.

1. Check if "2-Step Verification" is on/enabled at https://myaccount.google.com/security?pli=1#signin
  • If "2-Step Verification" is "Off":
  • If "2-Step Verification" is "On":
2. Add "send mail as":
  • Go to "settings -> settings -> accounts and import" or https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/accounts
  • Click "Add another email address you own"
  • Enter the "from" email in "Email address:" (position-20xx@swancon.com.au) and click next step
  • Set "SMTP Server:" to smtp.gmail.com
  • Set "Username:" to your email address (you@gmail.com)
  • Set "Password:" to the one determined by the next 2 points
    • If "2-Step Verification" was off: use your gmail (you@gmail.com) password.
    • If "2-Step Verification" was on: use the "Copy password for later use" now.
  • Click Add Account
3. Go to inbox and open email subject "Gmail Confirmation - Send Mail as position-20xx@swancon.com.au"
  • Click the approve link in the email.
4. When you send emails you should now be able to choose send from "position-20xx@swancon.com.au"
5. If you like you can create signatures for the new addresses under

Guide by Brian Johnson